UWC סוואזילנד
מבאבאנה, סוואזילנד
600 סטודנטים
11 to 20 גילאי

אודות: 80% מהתלמידים בקולג' זה מגיעים ממדינות ברחבי אפריקה. בנוסף ללימודי הIB, בית הספר גם מחנך שכבות צעירות יותר של תלמידים, דבר היוצר קהילת תלמידים מגוונת בעלי גיל, ניסיון ורקעים כלכליים ואתניים שונים. בית הספר הוקם בשנת 1963 כנגד שלטון האפרטהייד בדרום אפריקה, וב1981 הפך לUWC. מאז סיום שלטון האפרטהייד, בית הספר שם לו לדגש לעזור בפיתוח מנהיגות באזור.
הקמפוס: כקולג' הממוקם במדינה ש70 אחוזים מתושביה מרוויחים פחות מדולר ליום, בית הספר מעוצב בכוונת תחילה בצניעות, אך עדיין מציע מתקנים ואפשרויות רבות לתלמידים המגיעים אליו.
מעבר ללימודים: תוכנית השירות לקהילה שהקולג' מציע כוללת 25 פרוייקטים שונים של התנדבות, והיא חלק מהותי בחיי התלמידים והצוות המקצועי. פרוייקטים אלו כוללים ביניהם: קידום חינוך והבנה בין לאומית, חינוך לניצול נכון של מקורות למען הקלה בעוני, טיפול בחולי איידס, ופרוייקטים הקשורים לקיימות. לתלמידים גם מוצע מגוון רחב של פעילויות אחרי הצהריים ובסופי שבוע, רובן הן פעילויות היזומות ע"י התלמידים כגון פסטיבלי סרטים, סדנאות, דיוני אקטואליה ופעיליות ספורט.
Three Unique Features
- Strong Relationships with Local Change-Makers - The School, through community service, has strong relations with local organizations such as the refugee camp and neighborhood care points (children welfare centers).
- Waterford Kamhlaba is the only UWC school in Africa giving Waterford Kamhlaba a unique position as an ambassador of UWC’s ideas and mission on the continent and having educated a large group of African changemakers since its inception
- First Multiracial school in SA - Waterford Kamhlaba was the first multiracial school in Southern Africa; founded as a direct response to South Africa’s system of apartheid, which had racial segregation as a policy did not allow multiracial school. Its history of embracing and celebrating diversity from across Africa and beyond is something deeply ingrained into Waterford Kamhlaba’s nature and continues to be at the core of its values today.
In the Classroom
Waterford Kamhlaba offers three educational programmes: the Waterford curriculum in the junior school, consisting of Forms 1 to 3 (11-14 year-olds); the University of Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) program in the middle school, consisting of Forms 4 and 5 (14-16 year-olds); and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) curriculum in the senior school (16-20 year-olds).
Students in Form 5 do not gain automatic admission to the IBDP, but need to go through an application process.
For the IBDP curriculum, the school offers alongside standard courses SiSwati, French, Spanish, Anthropology, Psychology, Business Management, Music, Theatre.
Outside the Classroom
Waterford Kamhlaba offers a wide variety of sporting activities, including athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, hockey, netball, rugby, soccer, softball, squash, swimming, volleyball and tennis. Other recreational activities include camping, climbing, horse riding, kayaking and road as well as cross-country running. A variety of arts clubs (including drama and music) and societies are run by both staff and students. Since 1979, a commitment to community service has also been formally recognized as an essential part of the school’s policy, organisation and life. A regular commitment of two hours a week to a service project is required of IBDP and Form 5 students, and projects usually vary from involvement at the local hospital, work for the disabled, at local schools and preschools, and environmental awareness activities such as a recycling program.
Campus and Facilities
Ekukhuleni (the place of growing) residence accommodates up to 80 Form 1, 2 and 3 students. Esiveni (the place of the people of the nation) accommodates up to 110 Form 4 and 5 students. Emhlabeni (the place of the people of the world) and Elangeni (the place of the rising sun) accommodate, respectively, up to 130 and 68 IBDP students, in either single rooms or shared rooms; they consist of separate wings for males and females, a common room, computer centre, library, TV room and kitchen. Each day there is one male and one female residence tutor on duty in each residence. The campus also has exceptional sports, arts and learning facilities.
Geographic Setting
Waterford Kamhlaba is perched on a mountain-top in Sidwashini, about a 10-15 minute drive from Swaziland’s capital of Mbabane. The campus is home to an incredible blend of indigenous flora and fauna. Hiking trails up the school’s peak provide an incredible view of Swaziland’s picturesque landscape.
There are three modes of entry into Waterford Kamhlaba:
- direct application to the school
- via a UWC national committee
- through internal application of students currently in Form 5 IGCSE. Progression from Form 5 to the IBDP year is not automatic
For more information, visit website
Contact Details
Waterford Kamhlaba UWCSA
P.O. Box 52
Mbabane H100, Swaziland